Book a Session with a Shamanic Practitioner

We are a group of experienced Shamanic Practitioners who have completed multi-year training programs with several teachers. All of our work is guided by the Spirit Teachers and Power Animals we have relationships with. We are committed to creating a safe, ethical, and confidential practice with our clients. Every session is tailored to meet your needs. Please reach out directly to the practitioner you are called to work with.

Brittany Shirley and her dog

Brittany Shirley

Brittany Shirley is the owner and creator of One Heart Medicine. She follows a path as a Shamanic Practitioner, Teacher, and Medium. She is trained to work with compassionate and healing spirit guides to provide healing, guidance, and ceremonial work. Excellent teachers, including Shelley Stump, Sandra Ingerman, Robert Moss, and Betsy Bergstrom, have taught her. Brittany is dedicated to helping people on their healing path, bringing messages from Spirit, and joining others in healing Mother Earth and all life. She offers sessions for adults, children, and companion animals. Learn more about her sessions here.

Regarding availability, Brittany is a part-time Healer and Teacher. With her limited availability, please be aware there may be delays in responses.

Recommended donation for healing sessions: $150

  • Brittany works on a sliding scale and also accepts trade in lieu of monetary donations

  • No one will be turned away from shamanic healing due to a lack of funds

Jason Jay Morrow

Jason (Jay) Morrow

Jason Morrow is the owner and creator of Golden Eagle's Call. He follows a path as a Shamanic Healing Practitioner. He is trained to work with spirit guides to provide compassionate healing for an individual’s highest good. Brittany Shirley of One Heart Medicine, Shelley Stump of Coyote Moon Healing Center, Betsy Bergstrom, and Robert Moss are his instructors. Brittany and Shelley are trained by Sandra Ingerman and Betsy Bergstrom. Jason's path has led him to be in service to all on their healing path. Jason is a SHES ordained Minister, Spiritual Healer, and Earth Steward. Sessions are open for Adults, Couples, and Veterans. 

Availability- Jason's schedule varies widely from week to week. Please be aware of this, and he will respond to you as soon as possible concerning your request. 

Giselle GiGi Brakeville of the Abenaki Tribe

Giselle (GiGi) Brakeville

GiGi has trained and studied in the metaphysical area for many years. Recently, she trained under Shamanic Healing Practitioners Shelley Stump and Britany Shirley, based on the teachings of Sandra Ingerman. GiGi has trained under Rita Berkowitz, a psychic/medium, and has attended training on crystals, spirit protection, and investigations. GiGi connects with spirits to heal and perform blessings and clearings. She also works with animals and children. GiGi also does Spirit Talking/Psychic Mediumship with immediate and distant ancestors, which includes healing as guided. She is the Shamanic Healing Practioner for the Abenaki Tribe and uses traditional teachings, honoring her indigenous ancestors.

Recommended donation for healing sessions: $60

  • Gigi works on a sliding scale and also accepts trade in lieu of monetary donations

  • No one will be turned away from shamanic healing due to a lack of funds

Jan Boal Shamanic Practitioner

Jan Boal

As far back as I can remember I felt a connection to the Earth and the animal kingdom. I just “knew” we were all connected . . . that this was sacred. Over my life span I have researched about various ethnic and spiritual philosophies, studied under teachers of such as well as with scientists studying endangered animals around the globe. My draw to the sacred with deep respect for all things living, seen and unseen, guided me towards Native American teachings. These resonated with me quite powerfully being demonstrated by my visions and messages from the Universe.

For over 20 years I have continued my growth in learning about these spiritual teachings which eventually led me to training to become a Shamanic Apprentice and then Practitioner grounded in a strong foundation of Ancient Healing Knowledge. My strong animal allies and spirit guides have taught, escorted and healed me in my Shamanic journeys. Now, they work through me to help others.

My offerings with my Shamanic practice include:

  • Assisting those in death and dying practice

  • Psychopomp – assisting souls to return to the Light

  • Clearing and healings for land and living/working spaces

  • Ceremony for life’s transitions and passages

  • Extraction of Spiritual Intrusions – removal of intrusive and harmful energy/thought forms

  • Power Animal Retrieval – helping connect people with their Spiritual guides/allies

  • Soul Retrieval – returning life force lost through trauma

  • Individual and group journey sessions for personal growth

  • Facilitating healing retreats for self discovery and empowerment